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Release Notes – 12.13.2023

Written by Kyle

Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between November 29th, 2023 and December 13th, 2023. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to


Corporate Matching is now available via integration partner 360MatchPro / Double the Donation

We have integrated a new feature which allows when a User is making a donation to select their company for corporate matching. This is presented with the donation form, so the user will have search box that they will select a company. For the admin setup, a public and private key from Double the Donation will need to be added to the organization itself, then the feature will need to be enabled, per event in the “Manage” fundraising settings for the organization. There they will select “Enable Corporate Matching through 360MatchPro”. All donations are passed via API to the Double the Donation account of the organization and all funds will be captured through that integration. EnMotive does not collect, report, facilitate or receive funds for corporate matching. We simply are the gateway to Double the Donation and all reconciliation, reporting, etc is handled within the Double the Donation admin account management.

Referral program maximum redemption limit can now be set

We have added the ability for admins to be able to create source tracking links and display conversion data of those registrations that converted via those links. This is able to be configured within Event Manager –> Marketing–> Source Tracking Links. The admin will be able to provide a unique name for the source, a description, then upon generation we will provide the link(s) to use for either event marketing sites, user registration or volunteer registration. The dashboard will provide counts of order conversions, registration conversions, revenue from conversions as well as access to a report that will display all registrations that converted using that source tracking link. This feature is helpful to use wherever a link to register is distributed that cannot currently be tracked. Examples are social media posts, email campaigns, event calendars, sponsor or partner inclusions of your events, button placement on websites.


Updated Actions Menu for Email Campaigns

An updated actions menu now exists for created campaigns. The menu now will display the actions in the order of the campaign wizard. We had additional added an action for “Preview Email” which will allow the admin to get to the preview step directly without having to go through the wizard from the content step. Finally, “back” and “continue” buttons were added to ensure continuity within the campaign wizard.

Custom permissions were updated to break out the “Event” tab into appropriate sub-tab selections

We have updated the permission tree to further break out the sub-tabs for “Event” to allow additional customization and permission groupings.

Existing Product selection for use in an event has been refactored to include products used within the past 2 years

As an admin is creating products for an event, they can choose to duplicate an existing or select from an existing product. The products list populated used to only display products created within the past 2 years. This has been updated to display products used within the past 2 years.

Registration status is now displayed on the search return for Admin Registrations Search for the tenant

Added Registration Status to the data returned after a search on /admin/registrations/search, which searches across all registrations in the tenant.

Payees can now be created from within an event if not setup on event creation

There was previously no option to create a new organization from Registration Fee Payee or Donation Payee from within the Event Manager. The admin either needed to create the payee organization during event creation OR had to independently create an organization, within the tenant organizations feature, then select them as a payee.


Event Manager would load some tabs in a window as opposed as a modal

Resolved an issue where trying to access features in the event manager opened a new tab as opposed to a modal window, after a custom sort order was applied. This was seen in Fundraising, Volunteers and Questions.

Custom permissions were not seeing check-in stats

Resolved an issue where `Custom` permission role was not seeing Check-in stats on the event summary

Product options were unintentionally being deleted from a product used in multiple events

Resolved an issue that allowed product options to be deleted from an event, even if the product option was redeemed in another event. This consequently led to the product option being deleted for the product and thus all events. Now users will not be allowed to delete a product option within an event if there are redemptions for that product option anywhere. All situations where this occurred had been restored / migrated to the proper option.

Classic Fundraising Report unable to be downloaded by admins viewing fundraising page

Resolved an issue where an admin that was not a team captain, received a 500 error when downloading an events_teams fundraising report from the team fundraising page. Now any admin who has access to viewing the option to download the report will be able to download and not receive the error 500.

Resolved Classic Legacy Report not able to download

Resolved an issue that was not allowing the report to complete to download

Optimized Product Summary report runtime

We have optimized the product summary report run time to perform significantly faster and reduce database strain when this report is run. The report will now run within 30 seconds for large events that previously might take hours.

Prevent teams associated categories from being removed when team category settings changed

We will now prevent `categories_events_teams` records from being wiped when `team_exclusive` setting changes. If a user would toggle the “Bind New Teams to Category” feature, or that feature was toggled off by not allowing registrants to create teams, any team category was being disassociated.

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