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Release Notes – 6.26.2024

Written by Kyle

Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between June 12th, 2024 and June 26th, 2024. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to


Additional Event Types added for use

Added the following new event types for expanded use within the application: Awards Ceremony, Badminton, Banquet

Registrant Manifest is now available to all users of the application

We have exposed a limited used feature designed for one tenant to be made available for all. This new feature, the registrant manifest, provides a list of registrants with data matrix codes that can be used to bulk assign or check-in participants. This feature, available within the Registrants –> Actions menu, is able to be filtered by category, team, coupon and registration date, and then sorted by First Name, Last Name, Registration Date. An item has been added to the /admin/events_teams/view to pull the manifest directly for a team.


Enhanced Display of Date, Time, Location widgets for Event Marketing Sites

Enhanced the event marketing site display for dates, specifically when the end date/time is different than the start date/time. Enhanced the display of the Date, Time, Location widgets on mobile that were cascading off centered to now all be centered.

Optimizations were made to the Event Admin experience for membership events

We have made the following updates to the admin portal for membership events:

  • Updated all remaining labels that referenced “Team” to now say “Family”
  • Removed event settings that are not applicable to membership events
  • Removed classic reports that are not applicable to membership events
  • Added validation to prevent an admin from setting a membership tier minimum age greater than maximum age

Metrics & Analytics Validation on Age and Registration Date Filters

Added validation on filters to not set an improper min and max age (can’t set min greater than max) or registration date filters (can’t set start later then the end)

Membership Required category label now added to Kiosk Registration

We will now Display the ‘Membership Required’ label if category requires a membership registration. This displays in an oval bezel after the category name.

Event Selection for a kiosk user has been upgraded to select2

Optimized the Event dropdown of the ‘Registration Kiosk’ section in ‘admin/events/onsite_hardware/id’ page to be a select2 menu, which allows to type to search instead of being forced to scroll through a long list

Volunteer Job AdmiN Dashboard now includes the parent category in the name

Updated the Job Admin dashboard to now list the “Full Category Name” which will include any parent categories in the name, if those jobs are nested. This will provide clarity to the Job Admins on jobs.


Bib Label printing single product

Resolve issue on label where product is not displayed if only a single product is selected, not “All Products”.

Coupon registration list report was not returning registrant data for some registrants

Resolve Registration List with Coupon Parameter not returning registrant data (First Name, Last Name, Email Address) for some registrants, when accessed from the coupon dashboard

Financial Summary Dashboard may have over-reported on last year comparison

Resolve last year now financial summary dashboard revenue over-reporting when last year’s event compared to had registrations that occurred during the leap year date (2/29/2024). This was causing the offset day to shift one more day. This was not an issue in the Last Year Now count comparison seen within an event. Both the Last Year Now count and Last Year Now financial are now using the same methodology vs independent calculations.

Email Campaign WYSIWYG editor not appearing as expected with some custom HTML templates

Resolve Issue with Email campaign WYSIWYG expanding to full width of screen when editing within an event for certain campaigns using custom HTML that defined a width

Membership renewal renewing from purchase date instead of the renewal date for some users

Resolved a member’s membership renewal that was renewing early during event registration, not renewing from the membership expiration date, but rather the purchase date in some cases

Resolved some teams not appearing in search on Scan Station check-in

Resolved some teams not being returned via team search in /admin/scanner

Resolved Series Admin and Event Admin not seeing Metrics & Analytics Tab

Resolved the Series Admin; Event Admin permission roles not having access to Metrics & Analytics within an Event

First Name search for a team captain now functions as expected

Resolve the issue where searching by first name is not returning results in the ‘events_teams/view/id’ page for a team captain.

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