Release Notes – 5.1.2024
Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between April 17th, 2024 and May 1st, 2024. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to
No new features were introduced in this time period
Email Campaign Sender Name and Reply to Email Address will now populate with default values
We will now populate the Sender Name and Reply to Email with default fields set at the event level for transactional emails when creating an email campaign. These can still be changed by the user specifically for each campaign if needed.
Transactional Emails can now be sent as as a preview
Admins are now able to send a test preview email for all transactional emails to the email address of their choice.
Income Summary Table qty will now include qty of products, not just orders that contained a product
We have updated the Income Summary HTML table on the Summary page, for products quantity to include the qty multiplier on the item. Now if a product had a qty of 3 at $20 per, it will now show as 3 and $60 as opposed to 1 and $60.
Transaction Report Updated to now sort by descending transaction date
The Transaction Report has been updated to now sort Descending (Latest to Earliesr) by Transaction (Order) Date
Updated fields added to Facebook Pixel (Browser) and Conversions API (Server)
Added `fbc` and `external id` to Facebook Pixel / Conversions API to improve matching of events
Resolve orders not being able to be found in orders search for admin
Resolve why order type of “Refunded_bulk” and “external” were not found in orders search
Photo notification email was not respecting set styles
Resolved an issue where the Photo Tagged – Email Campaign, specifically the Event Memories title and Button, did not have styles applied.
Imported product option was being charged for when user attempted category change
Resolve Imported Product Option being charged when category change occurs
User unable to change registrant during membership registration purchase once one selected
Resolve the issue where user is not able to update their ‘Registrant’ selected during membership reg flow. They received an Error 404 displayed when attempting
Resolved an error where an admin doing a category change for a registration on a team, was not prompting initially for the product.
Admin Category change with Required, Bound Teams, leads to product not being asked. Upon continuing an error would be thrown and then the product would appear to answer, so there was no data loss, just a user experience update that was needed.
Users unable to select category when accepting registration transfer
Resolved an issue where users accepting registration transfers are not displaying categories to select. This was only seen in some event instances.
Changing Event Type to Multisport and Triathlon after event was created, did not initially present USAT section.
Resolve an issue where ‘Event USAT’ section is not displayed after updating the ‘Event Type:’ to ‘Multisport and Triathlon’ without refreshing the event page manually