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Release Notes – 9.20.2023

Written by Kyle

Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between September 6th, 2023 and September 20th, 2023. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to


Interstitial Ads can now be added to an event

Added the option for admins to import an interstitial ad, that will be presented on the RaceDay Participant Experience (Results & Photos) page. This ad would be seen on the first individual page that presented to the user on their first visit. The user will be able to interact with the ad or close the ad to continue. Ad sizes are 320×480 in JPG, PNG or GIF Format. This is planned to be able to begin the will display on the RPE beginning October 1st

Improved sharing from registration application by using device OS and browser supported features

Added the option to natively share pages using the browser and operating software built in share functions through Web Share API. This expands the ability to be able to share page URL and add comments, copy, etc, with any application that the OS allows and has configured on the device. For unsupported browser and OS combinations we will hide the share icon. This was added to existing pages where we have sharing, including registration view, event marketing sites and fundraising pages.

Reply-to email address can now be set for volunteer confirmation emails mproved sharing from registration application by using device OS and browser supported features

Added the ability for an administrator to set a different reply-to email for volunteer registration confirmation emails. This will be set within Event Manager –> Volunteers –> VolunteerSettings and the field name of “Volunteer Reply-to Email Address”

New event types of “Arts & Theater” and “Seminar or Talk” are now available for selection

We have now added new event types to be available for selection and use within the application of “Arts & Theater” and “Seminar or Talk” to support our growing application use.


Improved handling with Automatic Discounts and categories that have been removed

Updated the behavior for category display around removed categories when an admin is viewing, editing or adding categories to a discount. Now for categories already selected, we will display “(removed)” next to the category name if it has been removed. When adding a new category to a discount we will no longer display removed categories available for selection.

Calendar Widget changes when multiple events fall on the same day

Optimize Sort Ranking on the Calendar Widget for when multiple events occur on the same dateor if there are ties within. We will now sort based on: Event Start Date, then Event Status (in the order of Open, Private, Closed, Sold Out), then, Event Start Time, then Event Name. This is to ensure that events that might be open rank higher than those sold out, if they occur on the same day.

Financial dashboards, reports and views have been updated to use a completely refactored financial class, which adds new groupings and allocations.

Refactored the financial class that is used to drive and deliver financial data across the application. This was largely a behind the scenes undertaking that unified and consolidated calculation, generation and population methods into one consistent method. As part of this, the following public facing
changes were seen:

  • Accounting dashboard will now be able to have “live data”. Previously this only used and displayed data through 2:00AM Central Time of the current day
  • Faster performance of metrics and loading of financial dashboards and reports
  • Optimized groupings of financial data, including introducing Deferrals (Net) and Transfers (Net) which will reduce any over-reporting of certain fields where they occurred within the same event, specifically transfers. This also reduces the number of items shown on dashboards, since there are 31 different items types we use.
  • Added options to now expand into “groupings” to still allow clarity of specific types within the groupings

Improved functionality of settings for fundraising which clarifies and matches the expectations of a user

The following changes were made to the fundraising configuration for an admin to clarify the expectations.

  • The label of “Allow Participants to make an Additional Donation to this Organization” has
    been updated to “Allow collection of donations to this organization during registration” to reflect
    the purpose more accurately. For clarity, to enable standalone donations, outside of the registration
    flow, fundraising must be enabled for the organization.
  • Updated tooltips for settings for additional explanation
  • Added a new setting for “Hide organization from the event fundraising list”. This would be needed
    where fundraising for the event is enabled, this organization has received funds, but they are no
    longer going to be receiving funds or may no longer be a partner for the event and cannot be
    deleted. This will hide their organization from being seen to view the organization fundraising page.

Users will no longer be able to change their own permission role

We will no longer allow administrators to change their own level of permissions. They will need to contact support or their tenant administrator.


Coupon wizard will no longer be able to be exited without completing all values and have the coupon created.

Resolve Issue where the Coupon wizard could be exited without setting variables and a resulting coupon was created. This led to users needing to edit the coupon to set. The the wizard is exited, the coupon will not be created.

Auto-Fundraising Page Ready Email was sending, when not configured if fundraising was enabled

Resolved an issue where “Auto-Fundraising Page Ready Email” was still being sent even if the setting was disabled. This only occurred when fundraising was enabled and a user selected or was assigned a fundraising organization.

Some Sex/Gender fields not displaying on bib label print

Resolved an issue where the values of Non-Binary and Not Specific were not printing for the Sex/Gender Field values on bib label

Custom permission role users were seeing “Event” tab if not configured to see

Resolved an issue where a Custom Admin was showing access to the “Event” tab of the Event Manager, even when not selected in permissions

Clients were allowed to process refunds over the amount available to refund

Resolved an issue where validation was not occurring that prevented over refunds by clients, if there were not enough funds due that period compared to the amount of funds trying to refund. This will return to where clients can only refund if there are available funds since the last statement. If a client over refunded, then we would create a negative dollar statement and would either withhold that or send an invoice for collection.

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