Participant & Team Management
Allow your participants to update and edit individual registration and ticketing details. The ability to create, manage and join teams has never been easier.

Participant Management
Administrators can manage every aspect of their users, registrants and registrations and allow the user to control and make as many of those changes. Our rules and validations disclose these features to participants so they can have ownership of the process.
Admin User & Registrant Portal
The admin portal provides history and snapshots of a user or a particular registrant across your tenant allowing you to view user trends. The portal also allows the admin to make changes and updates to registration.
Saved Registrants & Addresses
Returning participants can register quickly and efficiently. Conversion rate has been shown to increase when the time to register decreases.
Transfers & Deferrals
Allow participants to self manage in the event of cancellation, unable to attend or sell-outs. Control which categories or events a user can transfer or defer.
User Account View
Registrants, orders, registrations, add-ons, fundraising pages, resend confirmations, teams and memberships can all be managed by the user via their own portal.
Registrant Claiming & Sharing
Through our registrant claiming & sharing, users are able to register other participants, pay for them, while allowing them to manage their own registration.

Team Management
Multiple and flexible options are available for how teams are created and managed. Whether it is a relay team, corporate team, mass participant team or fundraising team, our platform is here to support you.
Team Payment Options
Members and teams have many convenient payment options. Pay individually, pay for the entire team, or wait to pay once the team is complete.
Team Captain Portal & Controls
Team Captains have a dedicated portal where they are able to view and interact with their team. Interactions include changing team name, roster download, member view, setting team access codes, team invite links and removing team members (if allowed).
Team Invitation Links
Personalized team invitation links allow a participant to use that link and have the team pre-populate for them. Have a team access code? The personalized link will also bypass the code, preventing additional steps during registration.
Team Member Communication
Team Captains can effectively communicate with the team via the communication portal. Meet-up times, team activities, words of encouragement are just a few ideas to keep your team inspired and connected.
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- Free
- Team Payment Options
- Team Captain Portal
- Team Communication
- Admin User Portal
- Team Invite Links