Email Campaigns
Email is an essential part of your event. Our evolving email campaigns feature is included complimentary with our Registration, Volunteer, Fundraising & Ticketing platforms. Our email campaign wizard provides flexibility and customization. Communicating with your participants has never been easier.

Preview As A Participant
Our highly praised “preview as a participant” feature allows an admin to view and send a preview as a specific participant, before it’s sent to the participant. This feature is useful when segmenting and including custom data.
Marketing & Transactional
Accurately determine the type of email you are sending to be specific to your needs. Emails can include QR codes, can be personalized, will allow you to market next year’s registration opening and supports unsubscribe.
Unsubscribe is supported and tracked at the tenant, event series and event level to allow maximum support and configuration. Unsubscribe lists can be imported or exported.
Triggered Campaigns
Use our default triggered campaigns or create your own. Examples include incomplete cart, unsigned waiver, default time actions such as sending to team captain 1 hour after registration or alerting participant 72 hours after registration that fundraising page is ready and shareable.
Custom & Organic Recipient List
Build lists organically from participant, volunteer or ticket categories. In your custom segmented list, provide support for personalization of fields which are included in the custom list.
Template Builder
Personalized email templates with merge fields allows templates to be used and replicated year to year or event to event without the need to re-create.
Merge Fields
Our pre-built and dynamic merge fields allow your email campaigns to be personalized for each recipient. Options include, participant information, volunteer job instructions, products, result or photo links, corrals, tables, and fundraising details.
Open Rates & Statistics
View, track and export your open rates and other statistics. Sent, delivered, bounced, clicked, dropped, unopened emails can be tracked per campaign and per email address.
Default Transactional Campaigns
A series of default transactional campaigns can be customized for fundraising, donations, teams, cancellation and inventory limits.
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- Free
- Marketing
- Transactional
- Unsubscribe
- Template Builder